Volume Estimation

Calculate the number of floor spaces needed to transport a mix of pallets and boxes.

Calculates the minimum pallet floor space required to ship a mixture of boxes and pallets. The calculation takes into account a maximum stacking height for pallets, mandatory consolidation for subsets of items and pallet stackability.

API Documentation
Pack To Mixed Bins Illustration

Answers Questions Such As

  • We ship pallets and boxes together; how much floor space do we need to reserve in the truck?
  • We have x amount of pallets with various heights; how much floor space will this take up after stacking them?
  • How should we stack our pallets to minimize the required floor space?

Notable Features

  • Handles a mixture of pallets and boxes.
  • Keep control of packing consolidation by providing a consolidationKey.
  • Keep control of pallet stacking by indicating pallet stackability.


    "totalFloorspace": 3,
    "boxToPalletFloorspace": 1,
    "palletToFloorspace": 2,
    "palletToFloorspaceDetails": [
            "floorspaceNumber": 1,
            "height": 1.0,
            "pallets": [
            "floorspaceNumber": 2,
            "height": 0.4,
            "pallets": [