
Last update: June 16, 2024


Pallet floorspace calculation.

Takes a number of pallets and boxes and calculates the required floor space to transport all pallets. The boxes are translated into pallets and the pallets are stacked.


The volume estimation calculation is divided into two steps: a box-to-floor space calculation and a pallet-to-floor space calculation. The result of these two is summed to get the final required floor space.

Box to floorspace
Volume of all box-type items is summed and divided by the waste-adjusted maximum volume of a bin. This value is then rounded up to the next whole integer.
Pallet to floorspace
Pallets will be stacked on top of each other until the maximum stacking height is reached. Pallets which are non-stackable will create their own floor space and will not be considered during stacking.


Method POST


Authorization Basic-Auth
API credentials as found on your Account Settings page.
Content-Type application/json

Query string options

regexAllowed If true, the stacker.palletCode and stacker.boxCode will be interpreted as regex patterns while matching items[].type.
Default: false
Options: true or false
Example: api/volumeEstimation?regexAllowed=true

Request body


Calculation parameters that influence the packing calculation.

Field Type Description
stacker.palletCode string Identifies items which will need to go through the pallet to floorspace calculation.
Example: PLT
stacker.boxCode string Identifies items which will need to go through to floorspace calculation.
Example: BOX
stacker.wasteFactor numeric Factor which will be subtracted from the maximum volume of a pallet.
Example: 0.05
stacker.maxPalletStackHeight numeric Maximum height that pallets are allowed to be stacked.
Example: 2.2
stacker.width numeric Width of the bin.
stacker.depth numeric Depth of the bin.
stacker.height numeric Height of the bin.


The items for which the total floor space estimate will be calculated.

Field Type Description
items[].type string Item type which will determine if a pallet-to-floorspace or a box-to-pallet calculation calculation applies.
Example: PALL12
items[].volume numeric Box Optional Only used in box calculation.
The volume of can be send instead of the dimensions.
items[].width numeric Box Optional Only used in box calculation.
Width of the item, optional if items[].volume is provided for box type items.
items[].depth numeric Box Optional Only used in box calculation.
Depth of the item, optional if items[].volume is provided for box type items.
items[].height numeric Box Optional Only used in box calculation.
Height of the item, optional if items[].volume is provided for box type items.
items[].id string Pallet Only used in pallet calculation.
By providing an indentifier you will be able to see which pallets should be stacked on top of eachother.
items[].stackable boolean Pallet Only used in pallet calculation.
Indicates if a pallet is allowed to be stacked on top of other pallets.
Default: true
Options: true or false
items[].consolidationKey string Optional Items with the same consolidationKey will be handled separately, eg. pallets with a different consolidationKey cannot be stacked on top of each other and boxes with different consolidationKey will not be summed together.
Default:  None
Example: customerX

    "stacker": {
        "palletCode": "PLT.*",
        "boxCode": "BOX",
        "wasteFactor": 0.05,
        "maxPalletStackHeight": 2.2,
        "width": 1.20,
        "depth": 0.8,
        "height": 1.65
    "items": [{
            "type": "PLT-XY",
            "id": "PLT1",
            "stackable": true,
            "width": 1.20,
            "depth": 0.8,
            "height": 0.6
            "type": "PLT-YZ",
            "id": "PLT2",
            "consolidationKey": "customer-YZ",
            "width": 1.20,
            "depth": 0.8,
            "height": 0.4
            "type": "PLT-Z",
            "id": "PLT3",
            "stackable": false,
            "width": 1.20,
            "depth": 0.8,
            "height": 0.4
            "type": "PLT",
            "id": "PLT4",
            "stackable": true,
            "width": 1.20,
            "depth": 0.8,
            "height": 0.4
            "type": "BOX",
            "volume": 0.384
            "type": "BOX",
            "width": 1.20,
            "depth": 0.8,
            "height": 0.4

Response body

Field Type Description
totalFloorspace numeric Total floorspace, this is the sum of boxToPalletFloorspace and palletToFloorspace.
boxToPalletFloorspace numeric Total floorspace result of to floorspace calculation.
palletToFloorspace numeric Total floorspace result of the pallet to floorspace calculation.
Field Type Description
palletFloorspaceDetails array Contains the information about individual floorspaces.
palletFloorspaceDetails[].id numeric Incrementing floorspace counter.
palletFloorspaceDetails[].height numeric Total height of the stacked pallets.
palletFloorspaceDetails[].pallets[] array Contains the id's of the pallets stacked onto this floorspace.

    "totalFloorspace": 4,
    "boxToPalletFloorspace": 1,
    "palletToFloorspace": 3,
    "palletFloorspaceDetails": [
            "id": 1,
            "height": 1.0,
            "pallets": [
            "id": 2,
            "height": 0.4,
            "pallets": [
            "id": 3,
            "height": 0.4,
            "pallets": [